Saturday, August 31, 2019
There is an undeniable call for male instructors in the instruction system particularly at the primary and secondary school degree. Over the last two decennaries with the proliferation of the feminist motion and a paradigm displacement in male/female functions, work forces have appeared to dwindle out of the learning profession go forthing it a female dominated sphere. In fact, it appears that more and more work forces are non inclined to go instructors for legion grounds, some of which are rather valid ( Paton, 2010 ) . So where does that go forth the instruction system and the hereafter of our immature male childs? Well harmonizing to Gold and Reis ( 1982 ) , it is non needfully in a really bad province. It is argued that both male childs and misss can develop into lovingness, intelligent, good disciplined grownups irrespective of the gender of their instructors, and that the most of import thing is the attitude of the instructors toward the kid and overall engagement in the kid ‘s life. This statement though, is refuted strongly by Mac Donald ( 2007 ) who suggests that immature male childs have been affected by the diminution in male instructors in their developmental old ages ( considered to be preschool age 2 to 12 old ages ) . A powerful statement that male childs are able to derive more than merely academic accomplishment from male instructors is made when he suggests that male instructors act as function theoretical accounts of manhood and maleness which are really critical for immature male childs. In telling his ain experience and the looks of others he interacted with, he notes how some of the male instructors and male principals he had were able to animate masculine traits such as physical strength, vibrant wellness and a spirit of healthy competition. Mac Donald ( 2007 ) elaborates farther by indicating out how his male high school principal was able to command regard, and yet be a friend. He besides statedHeHehhhhhhh that his male instructors were able to represent maleness which engenders service and forfeit, encouragement and affableness. Male instructors by illustration Teach cardinal qualities of maleness which besides includes self- subject, THE NEED FOR MALE TEACHERS AS ROLE MODELS FOR YOUNG BOYS 3 resiliency, aspiration, leading, the bravery to face hardship, every bit good as the ability to move resolutely and forcefully when conditions warrant. Harmonizing to Collins ( 2009 ) , a individual regarded by others, particularly younger people, as a good illustration to follow is a function theoretical account. Based on feedback from instructors of other schools and what I have observed in my ain school I have inferred that adult females by and large are incapable of successfully act uponing immature males on their ain. At first glimpse this might look to be a male chauvinist or even chauvinist statement but the primary authorization figure for immature male childs that are now a threat in some of our schools are preponderantly female instructors and/or individual female parents, aunties or grandmas. This could bespeak that even with the best attempts and purposes, immature male childs are non reacting positively to the influence of these dominant adult females in their lives. Clark ( 2009 ) expresses that assorted surveies concur that the presence of male instructors at the primary and secondary school degree has significantly declined over the last 20 old ages. One ground for this is that work forces have the perceptual experience that the nurturing of immature kids is a ‘woman ‘s function ‘ . There is besides the belief that some work forces shun the instruction profession due to frights of false sexual maltreatment allegations ( paedophile craze ) and deficiency of male opposite numbers at particularly the primary school degree. Although there is division as to the exact benefits of male instructors, the research from the Training and Development Agency for Schools found that male childs are less riotous in lessons taught by work forces. Clark ( 2009 ) besides points out that a research conducted by the Training and Development Agency for Schools ( TDA ) claimed that male childs taught by adult females are more likely to interrupt lessons and neglect their surveies. Fifty-one per cent of male childs in primary schools said they would be more obedient in category if taught by a adult male and 42 per cent said they would work harder. THE NEED FOR MALE TEACHERS AS ROLE MODELS FOR YOUNG BOYS 4 An article by Staff ( 2008 ) , sum uping the consequences of a study on 800 plus work forces by the TDA revealed that they found that more than a 3rd ( 35 % ) felt that holding a male primary instructor challenged them to work harder at school. Those questioned besides said that male instructors were more accessible. Half ( 50 % ) were more likely to near a male instructor about intimidation, a similar proportion ( 49 % ) were more likely to near them about jobs with school work, 29 % went to them with jobs at place and 24 % were more likely to inquire them inquiries about pubescence. Even as this study may deduce that female instructors ‘ functions may hold besides been of import, it emphasizes the demand for male instructors in the school system which allow immature male childs to experience that it is good to make good in school. In my experience as a secondary school instructor, I have noticed that boys react more positively and inadvisably to correction given by male instructors as opposed to female instructors. One might reason that this might be strictly incidental. However, unless a female instructor exhibits masculine authorization manners or inordinate force every bit far as possible, they appear to accomplish minimum or ephemeral consequences when covering with particularly riotous and hard male childs. Because of this, boys are by and large disengaged in academic activities because most of the female instructors merely do non hold the capacity, desire or energy to cover with them. Staff ( 2008 ) quoted Dr Tanya Byron, a clinical psychologist and broadcaster, by stating: â€Å" Male primary school instructors can frequently be stable and dependable figures in the lives of the kids that they teach. They inspire kids to experience more confident, to work harder and to act better. †Simply put boys learn more when they are instructed by male instructors. Not merely do work forces hold a positive impact on academic accomplishment in male childs but besides they being indispensable in portraying and patterning maleness and manhood is critical ( MacDonald, 2007 ) . As made evident in appraisal of many of these immature male childs, they come from places where THE NEED FOR MALE TEACHERS AS ROLE MODELS FOR YOUNG BOYS 5 they have small or no male function theoretical accounts. The unfortunate tendency in this present society is one that has left many households without a male parent and hence, confusion in the heads of these immature kids as to who to pattern or look up excessively, the male instructor hence, might be that merely positive male function theoretical account in their lives ( MacDonald, 2007 ) . Thinking back on my ain experience, I remembered that I saw my male instructors in primary school as superior authorization figures. I believe that those male instructors allowed me to put a high value on my instruction and encouraged me to desire to win. Hence, by the clip I reached the secondary school degree my signifier instructor ; a male provided support and way, as I was really focussed on my school work at that point. Should we so conclude that the male presence in instruction is more of import than the female influence? Or does stating we need more male instructors mean that we do non necessitate female instructors? Decidedly non, it is non a inquiry of male versus female, but there is a demand for more positive male presence and equity in the gender fluctuation of instructors at the primary and secondary degree to shut the gender spread or gender divide ( MacDonald, 2007 ) . Pelletier ( 2004 ) through research findings noted that there was more prevalence of category repeat and academic hold in male childs than misss. This hold was largely attributed to gender fluctuations in larning the linguistic communication and direction by female instructors. This weaker academic public presentation of male childs appeared to hold great influence in their calling ends and willingness to remain in school. One of the major subscribers to bettering academic accomplishment in male child was accommodating educational attacks to the alone acquisition manners of male childs. Male instructors tend to include games and competitory activities that boys respond to more positively. Another factor cited as influential was: the male teacher-student relationship ( which requires the instructor to interact on a societal degree with the male childs ) . Holland ( 1996 ) suggests that one of the major issues environing academic failure in immature male childs THE NEED FOR MALE TEACHERS AS ROLE MODELS FOR YOUNG BOYS 6 is the fact that they are surrounded by preponderantly female instructors, therefore it is ingrained in their mind that school work is something for misss to make. They seldom see males in their environment prosecuting in academic activity and hence there is struggle with their maleness. What immature male childs need are work forces who are systematically at that place for them, who model good behaviour and values, and who are consistent in their attention for those that they love. They do n't necessitate work forces who have checked out of constructing relationships and those who are nil more than sperm givers ( Heard, 2009 ) . I believe that because immature male childs are at a critical phase in their development and non burying the deficiency of male presence in their lives the male instructor function theoretical account seems to be in the best place to represent those qualities. Toysoldier ( 2010 ) notes, that the demand for positive male function theoretical accounts for immature male childs is non a new scenario. In fact it is rather surprising that so much money is put into rectification installations that purportedly deal with riotous male behaviour when the support and societal focal point should be prior to this effusion of negative and baleful behaviours. Much of the delinquent behaviour is a consequence of non being able to suit into the academic system and therefore turning to criminal behaviour which is frequently mimicked in the bad male illustrations they have. Boys respond positively to consistent authorization and way. They need reinforcement when they exhibit good behaviours and necessitate to be invariably encouraged to seek a healthy life style and must take duty for all the picks they make. In the modern society they have been in a quandary of holding to utilize video games as their chief beginning of masculine mold and they are besides bei ng bombarded by this thrust for work forces to be ‘more feminine ‘ or ‘in touch ‘ with their muliebrity which is non the solution to the job of low academic accomplishment or being end oriented. Browne ( 2007 ) concedes that for most immature boys the demand to stand out academically is non seen as the ‘male thing ‘ . Browne suggests that at the secondary school level the most of import influence in a male child ‘s life is peer influence. If the general thought of his equals is that larning and academe is a waste of THE NEED FOR MALE TEACHERS AS ROLE MODELS FOR YOUNG BOYS 7 clip so it is most likely that he would follow the same attitude. Whilst some male childs are able to develop get bying schemes to stand out academically, most seem to be unable to make this at a immature age. The power of equal force per unit area can merely perchance be pre-empted by self-asserting male function theoretical account instructors. At the secondary school degree most male childs are holding a rush of maleness and would dispute both instructors and parents. Browne says that the instructor ‘s conflict is so against testosterone, the equal group and the street where the civilization is ne'er to endorse down to authorization no affair what. Without male instructors as an alternate function theoretical account, the influence of equals and street civilization is almighty. Boys want to be portion of a nine or pack. Browne ( 2007 ) notes the importance of instructor preparation to cover with the issues that male childs have. It is of import to associate to each male child one on one, to extinguish the strong group dynamic that exist in equals. Looking at intercession patterns to cover with aberrant behaviours is indispensable to turn toing the academic involvements of immature male childs. The first manner of operation should non be to direct male childs place ( to watch telecasting and other unthinking activities ) when they engage in riotous behaviours but a recommendation is to allow them travel into reding Sessionss with male function theoretical accounts. Having more work forces in schoolroom shows immature male childs that there is an alternate option and that it can be cool to larn instead than be aberrant. Harmonizing to Wright ( 2009 ) surveies reveal that stripling male childs need to cognize that they are of import to a adult male whom they respect in order to develop self assurance and a strong sense of individuality. â€Å" To be a adult male you must see a adult male †, immature male childs need good work forces to assist them go good work forces. Most male childs are left to calculate out manhood entirely because of the predomination of females in their adolescent old ages. Basically boys grow when they are surrounded by a strong male function theoretical account ( Manfre, 2010 ) . THE NEED FOR MALE TEACHERS AS ROLE MODELS FOR YOUNG BOYS 8 Some surveies even suggest that female instructors favor misss and really present and implement some of their prejudices with regard to what they consider ideal behavior: soundlessness and obeisance. Hence, masculine male childs are seen as violative and sometimes even treated with ill will ( Gold and Reis, 1982 ) . Gold and Reis continue by stating that in states where there are a higher proportion of male instructors, surveies reveal that the reading abilities of immature male childs are enhanced. It was besides found that boys underachievement in reading in the US is linked to the current gender instability in the instruction system ( Gorman, 2010 ) . Here we may be able to place the importance of the socio-linguistic factor, in that a male child is able to react to male communicating because it reflects similarities intrinsic to his ain linguistic communication. The engagement and engagement of work forces in the instruction profession at the primary and secondary degree is in great demand. Many pedagogues at the direction degree are assiduously working at enrolling competent males ; strong function theoretical accounts that can transform the lives of kids and more significantly immature male childs they interact with. One of the stereotypes is that work forces are n't seen as being able to foster and care for kids as adult females do, nevertheless, this is non the world. Many kids are soon turning up without positive males in their lives and holding male instructors are an chance to offer a great alteration and influence that gives a different position to the kid ( Terrell, 2009 ) . From a philosophical position, if it is desired that boys adopt behaviours that make them exceeding work forces they need to be exposed to matching doctrines from the same gender. It is undeniable that boys need work forces. Men play a critical function in the development of immature male childs and more so positive work forces. A sense of ego regard, unity, ego assurance is fostered when a immature male child has a adult male he looks up to pattern and interact with. It is impossible to supply all the bing immature male childs with a present, positive father-however ; they can hold a good male to emulate ; a male instructor function theoretical account. Presently, some adult females in our society intentionally take to raise kids without male parents while some THE NEED FOR MALE TEACHERS AS ROLE MODELS FOR YOUNG BOYS 9 do no pick in the affair. However, based on all the findings and analysis of the reading and research, it is clear that immature male childs are in despairing demand for male teacher function theoretical accounts in their lives. I would desire to propose a few recommendations that are non needfully alone, but might be able to somehow relieve some of the jobs immature male childs experience. First, most intercession plans would necessitate male instructors who are willing to volunteer their clip and commit to the procedure. Some plans that can be developed include: 1. Mentoring inaugural during or after school for which male instructors can utilize to leave positive masculine traits ( honestness, unity, finding, committedness to task etc. ) 2. Let some sporting activities which would affect male instructors playing with and against immature male child ( s ) to further strength, support and chumminess. 3. Male instructors should even eat with their male pupils which would let them chance in advancing a healthy feeding life style for immature male childs by illustration and treatment. 4. Religious direction and supplication groups conducted by male instructors would supply a resource for immature male childs pa rticularly those who are in crisis and need religious encouragement and supplication. There is a despairing demand for immature male childs in our present society to hold regard for themselves and others, to derive self assurance, to be strong morally and spiritually and to be comfy with their individuality as male. I think because there is a shortage in male function theoretical accounts at place and in the community where immature male childs live, male instructors are likely the best hope as function theoretical accounts for immature male childs â€Å" It is easier to construct strong male childs than to mend broken work forces. †– Frederick Douglass. THE NEED FOR MALE TEACHERS AS ROLE MODELS FOR YOUNG BOYS 10
Friday, August 30, 2019
HNA case study Essay
1. What contributed to HNA’s success in the China Airline Industry? 1. China’s prosperous market conditions Rising middle class (rising per capita income) Entry into WTO ïÆ' growth in imports and exports Migration of rural population into urban cities Influx of foreign investment 2. Deregulation of civil aviation market 3. Strategic Decisions: Unconventional approach for a regional start up airline – chose to compete as a trunk line feeder Development of feeder routes in Western China – consistent with government plan to develop the â€Å"Silk Road†Effective acquisitions that helped them to expand faster 4. Effective utilization of capital markets (internal and external) to expand operational scale and lower operating costs 5. Culture Encompasses Chinese culture and Western modern management Lazy Ant Theory and Swapping System 6. Quality Excellent flight safety standards Punctuality rate is first in China 7. Clear Strategy: To be low cost provider Focused on cost structure and operating efficiency Cost per ASK was very low Lower maintenance cost Similar model of planes Ran aircrafts longer Investment in technology Lower staffing cost per ASK 8. Started outside CAAC – did not have to adhere to government standard. Forced them to be more aggressive 9. Strong Interrelation among the blocks of businesses contributes to increasing revenue for their airline business 2. What are the challenges that the company faces at both the business and corporate levels? Business Unit Price of Oil (airline) High financing costs (airline) Entry of budget hotel competitors (hotel) Entry of upscale international franchise (Hilton etc) into hotel industry (hotel) Credit rating firm downgraded the airline to second lowest rating Corporate level High debt level puts the company into difficulty of raising funds to expand Relative industries block – important to maintain relevance to its airline business 3. Was the company’s increasing breadth a distraction to the airline business or a route to competitive advantage? The increasing breadth might work in favor for HNA’s airline business as they seek to revamp itself into Grand China Airline. By increasing its breadth, it can help to strengthen the new airline brand name to other parts of the world. Particularly for the hotel business, HNA can utilize them to promote the brand presence of its airline business to tourists. However, HNA need to be careful of the breadth of business it can extend to. It should be kept within the boundaries of the airline industry such that whatever industries it is trying to expand to, it should contribute directly to its airline business (obvious synergy). For example, the departmental store business does not create synergy with the airline business.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Animal cell project
The Nucleus is found in both the animal cell and the plant cell. The Nucleus function is to direct all functions within the cell. 5. Nucleolus The Nucleolus is found in the nucleus in both plants and animal cells. The nucleolus function is to assemble ribosomes which move out of the nucleus and take positions on the rough ER (Endoplasmic Reticulum) where they are critical in protein synthesis. 6. Chromatin The Chromatin is located in both plant cells and animal cells. The function of the hromatin is to package DNA into a smaller volume to fit in the cell, to strengthen the DNA to allow mitosis and prevent DNA damage. 7. Centrioles Centrioles are found only in the animal cell. The function of Centrioles is to produce the cells cytoskeleton which is made up of microtubules and microfilaments. Chloroplast The chloroplast is located only in the plant cell. Chloroplast Job is responsible for making glucose in the process known as photosynthesis. The Chloroplast is green due to chlorophyll a pigment that captures sunlight. The chloroplasts live in the mesophyll cells. 8. Ribosomes Ribosomes are found in both plant and animal cells. The function is to synthesize and make proteins. Ribosomes can be found free floating in the cytoplasm or attached to the ER (Endoplasmic Reticulum). 9. Vacuoles Vacuoles are found in both plant cells and animal cells. The vacuoles function is to store food, water, or wastes. The vacuole that is only found in plant cells is the central vacuole. The vacuoles store water, food, and waste. Vacuoles purpose is to serve rimarily as storage units but versatile to perform more than one function. Cell Wall Cell walls are located only in the plant cell. The function of the cell wall is to support and give structure. The cell wall is made up of cellulose. 10. Cell Membrane Cell membranes are located in both plant and animal cells. The Job of the cell membrane is to control what foes into and out of the cell. 11 . Cytoplasm Cytoplasm is found in both plants and animal cells. The Job of the cytoplasm is to keep the organelles safe and in place. 12. Nuclear Envelope The Nuclear Envelope is located in both the plant cell and the animal cell. The nuclear envelopes function is to send a stream of RNA and other info-carrying molecules to the rest of the cell through nuclear pores. These organelles I have listed are in animals and in plant cells or both. The lists of organelles are very unique and if you have never heard of these organelles and cells. I hope you will learn something from my project. In conclusion, my project is to show the similarities and differences between each organelle in a plant cell or animal cell.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Unity (1918) and the Evolution of Disease Essay
Unity (1918) and the Evolution of Disease - Essay Example The evolution of the disease itself (and, indeed, any disease) unfolds in much the same way as the action in Unity, with people going through biological and psychological reactions to the illness, as the people in the town react to the disease itself. The purpose of this paper is to explore the similarities between the way a disease evolves and how the community evolved in reaction to Spanish Influenza. The community of Unity went through several changes from paranoia and fear to blame and devastation, as a disease would. The action in Unity relies on an infection metaphor in a number of ways. In the play, Kerr uses the small town itself as a representation of the Canadian national front with the influenza itself representing a German invader, as in the just-ended First World War. The fear of the disease is similar to the fear of the enemy, an interesting topic considering the historical setting of the play. Biologically, most people have a fear of becoming ill, and a further fear of death. The Spanish Influenza was likely to kill because of its virulent nature, and the fear of death here can be found in both the fear of invasion and the fear of disease. It is interesting that Kerr here combines the infection metaphor with the historical context to add further depth to the play. Infection and war have very similar ways of manifesting themselves, usually becoming worse without action . The war is a useful backdrop for an infection metaphor, because it highlights the similarities between the two. In Unity the inhabitants of the community fight against the infection in very militaristic terms, using expressions such as ‘take up arms’. In the medical world, similar lexis is used when considering how to combat disease; we ‘fight’ an infection, and ‘kill’ a fever. As an illness manifests itself, medicine becomes more useful to ‘combat’ the disease, and as a war starts, it is necessary to ‘combat’ the enemy. Kerr uses these similarities very wisely, particularly by bringing in a third concept of ‘combat’ centred on the town of Unity and their attitudes towards the Spanish flu, intricately using all three concepts in a similar way. The town of Unity, before the disease hits, has a fear and a paranoia of the Spanish Influenza, even going to such lengths to ban trains from stopping in the town and going to extreme lengths to prevent the spread. This can be compared to the more modern paranoia about the AIDS epidemic. In this case, many people that have no connection to the disease have a fear of catching it, which is a similar reaction to many diseases. Before Unity has any direct contact with the Spanish flu, extreme measures are taken to prevent the disease. There are a number of actions by governments worldwide to instil fear about the AIDS epidemic, too, which is metaphorically very similar to the actions taken by the town of Unity in reaction to the Spanish flu. It has been shown that fear of disease is one of the most common fears surrounding an epidemic (Mast, 1998), so Kerr uses this similarity wisely and accurately. The character Beatrice explains this best; ‘The town has been quarantined. Not because of illness but because of fear of illness’. The first member of the community to fall ill is Michael, a non-local. The treatment of Michael completely changes when Unity finds out he has the Spanish flu, he is treated like ‘
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
The history and culture of Japan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
The history and culture of Japan - Essay Example Japan's history is a rich and varied one, with the different periods marked by remarkable change. In the Yayoi period (300 BC - AD 300), rice cultivation was introduced from China and Korea, and Japan's oldest religion, Shinto, identified "divine forces in nature and in such human virtues as loyalty and wisdom."The Kofun period (300-645) showed the emergence of powerful clan rulers, and Japan begins to establish close contacts with mainland Asia. The Asuka period, (645-710) brought a great wave of reforms and new aristocratic families were created. During the Nara and Heian periods (710-1185) the emperors began to practice Buddhism, believing its teachings would protect the state. The Muromachi era (1333 to 1568) brought disintegration of the central government, firearms were introduced by the shipwrecked Portuguese soldiers, and Christianity was introduced . Finally in the Edo period (1600-1868) Japan enters into an age of "peace and national isolation". The United States wants to u se the Japanese ports as supply bases for its commercial fleet, and, in a surprise move, Japan accepts the US demands and opens its doors for the first time in two centuries. In the Meiji period (1868-1912), the emperor was restored, and Japan made its transition to nation-state. The Showa period (1926-1989) brought many more changes for Japan, including World War II and its aftermath, including the necessary economic recovery. In 1941 Pearl Harbor brought the US into war in the Pacific and in August of 1945 "the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, the second on Nagasaki; the emperor airs by radio a statement of unconditional surrender." (Background, 2005, p. 5). The years of 1945-1952 brought allied occupation of Japan, with women gaining legal equality as well as the right to vote. Japan's political life was changed to a parliamentary state, and with the peace treaty signed in 1951, Japan regained independence. The "High Growth Age" in Japan occurred from the late 1950's t o the early 1970's and Japan was rewarded with a booming economy. (Background, 2005, p. 5). Japan is made up of five islands; however there are some thirty-six hundred islands in the entire group, and dozens that are actually inhabited. Japan has twenty-nine thousand kilometers of coastline, and the total land area is 142,000 square miles which makes Japan one-twenty-fifth the size of the United States, or roughly the size of Montana. Ostensibly, some one billion years ago these Japanese islands were part of the Asian mainland, however movement of the earth's plates resulted in part of the Asian coastline breaking free and traveling east. Then a mere 100 million years ago, in the area that is now the Sea of Japan, a huge lake appeared, eventually linking up with the Pacific Ocean in the north and south, leaving the highest regions to become the islands of Japan. (Lafayette, 1995, p. xi). Seventy percent of Japan's land mass is made up of high mountains and hills. These mountains have over two hundred volcanoes and geothermally active areas. There are eleven peaks in Japan that are over three thousand meters high, and thirteen that are over 2500 meters high. These mountainous areas make Japan one of the most scenic groups of islands in the world.(Layfayette, 1995, p. xi). The climate of Japan is generally rainy, with a fairly high humidity. The Japanese enjoy warm summers and long cold winters in the north, and hot humid summers and short winters in the central regions. The southwest has long, hot, humid summers, and mild winters. (Library, 2005, p. 1). Japan's population is currently 127,417,224 million people, a huge number for such a small area. Japan is second only to the United States in the number of large cities-they presently have ten cities with populations over one
Monday, August 26, 2019
Major Writing Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Major Writing Assignment - Essay Example While scientific accomplishment, as well as artistic accomplishment has something to say about mankind, their representations providing examples of the best (and sometimes the worst) of human existence, religious works express something of everyone who has existed. Science explains what can be proven, the framework of life that is defined by actions and reactions. What is known gives human beings comfort on those things that can be explained, but religion has provided explanations for those aspects of life that could or cannot be explained. In his writing, Worrell (2003) suggests that science and religious belief are not compatible, that to have one is to discredit the other. He states â€Å"science and religion (are) two conflicting ways in generating beliefs about our world†(p. 69). The stark truth of that statement is that science is about belief as much as religion is about belief. The scientist observes and then believes how the event proves his or her theory. An example of this is the atom. Science has yet to find a way to see an atom. It can be detected in groups, the evidence of it can be seen through the energy that is expelled when it is split, but the atom itself, a single atom, has yet to be seen (Saunders, 2007, p. 4). Therefore, the atom exists because it is believed that it exists. God exists because it is believed that He exists. Therefore, in bringing forward the works of religious materials as a resource of representing how the human race existed, the nature of human kind will be explored further than can be found in any sort of other resource. What is valued, how belief was developed, how nature was perceived, and how daily life was framed is available through examination of the belief systems of religion. Providing texts that speak of these things will give any being that finds them a reality of the cultures of humanity, their wars, their loves, and what they held dear, far better than any other text. Excerpts of religious content wi ll provide the best of average human life, and in the process, provide those that read them evidence of the kind of people that lived in the world of Earth. Article 2: An encyclopedia of science When the Earth dies, as it is an impending probability, as a race, the best resource for giving an alien society information that frames the nature of human existence would be an encyclopedia of science that has peer-reviewed articles that represent the best of the scientific work of humanity. Through a piece of work that explained the nature of human scientific discovery, an alien can assess the evolution of intellectual thought that has occurred throughout the existence of human kind. The nature of science is to describe, explain, and give context to the natural world, and to use it in order to advance the nature of life. Through explanations of how human kind has developed their knowledge and used it, an alien race can discover the nature of human existence. According to Peter Atkins (198 7), â€Å"science has never encountered a barrier that it has not surmounted or that it cannot reasonably expected to surmount eventually†(p. 349). Scientific discovery and the innovations that have come from that discovery show human kind for
IPhone 6 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
IPhone 6 - Research Paper Example As such, Apple discharges an item when it’s great and complete (Boxall para2) Apple usually releases a new iPhone around September (Lutlow para3). This time, it is said that Apple is going to break that cycle. It is said because the iPhone 6 is to a great extent a complimentary item to the iPhone 5S, giving individuals a decision of screen sizes, the debates I going on in the market place that Apple will be releasing another model of smartphone shortly (Lutlow para4). So far it is speculated that the release date of iPhone 6 would be around May, June and July. The information is conflicted so nobody knows the actual launch date (Johnson para1). In May it was generally reported that Apple will propel the iPhone 6 in August. (Judge para2) Inventory network sources in Taiwan affirmed a 4.7 inch rendition of the iPhone 6 might propel in August with a bigger 5.5 inch new model in late September (Johnson para1) Approximately 80 million iPhone 6 handsets will be handled before the end of 2014, as indicated by sources identifying with the Economic Daily News. (Johnson para3) An August launch might be a break from custom for Apple, the iPhone 5, 5s and 5c all released in September. Usually the design of a product that is used by Apple is applicable for two iterations, before it brings out something different and new. (Lutlow para2) It can be seen in iPhone 5 and iPhone 5s and now Apple is going for a new look for iPhone 6, which is understandable (Lutlow para1). According to one rumor the designs of iPod Nano and iPhone 5C are taken by Apple for the iPhone 6. (Goodwin para3) Another rumor was published in the Japanese blog Macotakara which stated that Apple will replicate the colors of iPhone 5C, which will give people the choice of selecting colors for their phones (Goodwin para3). The body of iPhone 5C was made of plastic which might not be the reasonable choice for iPhone 6 since it’s a high-end smartphone. (Epstein para2) This
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Mountain Dew Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Mountain Dew - Research Paper Example Second, the company's flagship advertising campaign, "Do the Dew," is now in its eighth year. In that period, competitors have had ample time to copy many of the once-distinctive elements of the marketing strategy and erode the freshness, as well as the impact, of the primary campaign and any pool-outs. This analysis will present these issues using a SWOT approach to focus on the significant issues of the case. Analysis. The managers responsible for marketing the Mountain Dew brand are in a difficult place; they are not dealing with a new product entry, but are responsible for maintaining the brand's place at the top. The brand's advantages include the very things that have made them successful so far, but they still face several challenges. Even though their brand health indicators remain strong, the brand is almost certain to lose market share without some proactive and effective changes. As shown in the SWOT analysis in Table 1, the brand enjoys some key strengths and good opportunities, but the Mountain Dew product is not without its weaknesses, and it is exposed to some potentially serious threats if management can't tune its position and get sales back on track. Table 1 Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Brand Recognition Image Saturation Re-engage primary market Non-Carbonated Products Corporate Resources Loss of Niche Branding Enhance Brand Health Advocacy Marketing Commitment -- Super Bowl Ads -- The market has a strong recognition of this brand, and the marketing efforts have been successful in making product perception match market trends. That success, however, is now creating difficulty as the market is trending away from the very image the brand has been building for the past eight years. Further, the competition has co-opted many elements of the image and the market is virtually saturated with alternative sports, music, and young faces. Additionally, the traditional cola market is eroding as it looses market share to non-carbonated, alternative beverages. The idea of having a "kick" which is derived from sugar and caffeine successfully played to the cool generation, but the counterculture demographic is more likely to see those compounds as unhealthy. Nevertheless, products like Red Bull show that there is still a strong market for such products. The corporate resources that a company like PepsiCo can bring to bear on the marketing are certainly a strength; but just bec ause a company can speak broadly doesn't free it from needing to have something significant to say. As the product begins to loose its distinctive niche branding to better-positioned offerings, management has the opportunity to recapture its core constituency and enhance the brand; but the new creative is going to have to move beyond skateboards and rock music. The marketing commitment shown by PepsiCo, particularly the prohibitively expensive Super Bowl ads, is both a key strength and opportunity. The message those strategies deliver, however, is the main thing. Alternatives. Management has three fundamental
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Personal perspective paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Personal perspective paper - Essay Example Being a female and the first born, I have understood the different responsibilities that life brings with itself. If I am given a chance to study in the business school and do my MBA, I would be better able to understand the world markets as I already have an idea about the mannerisms in which the different markets already exist within and the methodologies they have adopted towards the foreign traders, marketers and the like. The undergraduate degree in management that I have attained is something that I can look up to when I pursue my MBA degree program. This MBA would eventually make me stand in a league of professionals who are on the go and want to achieve more and more out of life. I will get a better paying job and the ease of mind that I have so much wished and yearned for, with the passage of time. All said and done, I wish to see myself getting established in a financial institution and see progress happening for me left, right and center. I want to make money, more and mor e of it, so that I could make my career strong and a better living is bestowed upon me nonetheless. Thus I decided to pursue my MBA because I felt I was lagging behind in life and I needed to do much more than I had already done. I needed to understand myself a whole lot more and for that, I must study further and an MBA is the key to know more about things, more about the world in general. A better and more comforting life is what I dream of, in the long run and for it to happen; it is pertinent to attain the education that I am longing to have. Having said all that and after the details that I have given about myself and my personality, I would request the said authorities to consider me for admission to the business school so that it could polish my personality as well as fulfill my dream to gain more and more about the big world of corporate giants and all that comes along with that. I would be
Friday, August 23, 2019
Dissertation again Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 7000 words
Dissertation again - Essay Example This study includes a content analysis based on the literature reviewed, and concludes that the global media in general and the American media in particular portrayed the Muslim world and Islam negatively; displaying a heightened fear, hatred, and hostility toward the said community. The terrorist attacks on the twin towers on September 11, 2001 changed, perhaps forever, the manner in which the world in general, and the Western world in particular perceived Islam and Muslims. As the media carried news about the terror attacks and the men behind it, the majority of whom were identified as Arabs from the Middle East, the perception of Muslims changed drastically. The sheer scale of the attack and extent of damage caused due to the attacks that deliberately targeted one of Americas greatest symbols of capitalism, power and world supremacy brought a relatively obscure facet of Islam to the forefront and in international spotlight. It now began to be perceived as highly violent, intolerant, and hostile to the western world. The cover story on News Week titled Muslim Rage, is a case in point. Islam has been depicted as a united group of people who share no similarities with the western world, and are intimidating, aggressive, intolerant and hostile to it. This image of Islam is drastically different to that of the educated, liberal, and secular West. The difference was apparent after the 9/11 attacks and the conflict inevitable. The events of September 11, only further highlighted it and resulted in differentiating the two and led to the battle of ‘them’ versus ‘us’ (Gunduz, 2007). The American Media increasingly began portraying Islam as intimidating and something to be feared, giving rise to Islamophobia. According to Seib (2004) news coverage of events especially those with political underpinnings thrives on events and
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Education in Saudi Arabia and the United States of America Essay Example for Free
Education in Saudi Arabia and the United States of America Essay Education continues to be the priority of all nations around the world. Countries devote vast resources to ensure equal opportunity to study for their people. In return, the educated segment of the population becomes the wealth of these nations and will more likely meet the social and economic demands of the country. The educational systems are continuously developed to meet not just the local but also the global demands and challenges. It is more appropriate to look at the disparity on the education sector of one country to another in order to determine what needs to be improved and developed in one’s educational system. This paper aims to provide an assessment on the similarities and differences of education in two countries, Saudi Arabia and the United States of America (USA). The education in Saudi Arabia and the USA are similar in terms of government spending on education, freedom to choose the school where they will attend to, and education for people with special needs, while differ in terms of attitude towards education, literacy rate, religion in school, gender roles, grading scales, and stages of education. Both the Saudi Arabia and USA government spend immense resources on the education sector. The Saudi Arabia government’s increased awareness on the importance of education to its people paved way to its provision of bountiful support to education. Like the USA government, the Saudi Arabia government finance general education for both boys and girls. It also provides free post-secondary education and offers financial help to students. At cases, meals, books, and transportation are subsidized. In the same way, the USA government offers free general and post-secondary education for all financed by the government. In both countries, students are also allowed to choose what school they will attend to. They have the options to enroll in public, private, or home school. Most of the parents prefer to send their children in public school practically because they are much â€Å"free†from burden. There were also those who prefer private schools thinking that these schools might provide better, quality education to their children especially for those seeking a competitive edge in college admission. A few considers home schooling best for their children for reasons that they can effectively tailor a curriculum that would best suit their children’s academic strengths and weaknesses, especially those with disabilities. Aside from home schooling, those with disabilities may be sent to schools which will cater to their needs like schools for the blind, deaf, physically and mentally handicapped, among others (Education, 2005). The Saudi Arabia and USA governments have put on these schools to encourage individuals to their full potential and share social and emotional experiences with their peers having the same conditions as themselves. The curricula in the special classes given to the students were tailored fit to their needs. For instance, the educational programs given to the blind and deaf individuals were different. For sure, blind students were thought of using Braille while deaf students do not. One variation the Saudi Arabia and the USA government have is the attitude towards education. In the USA, school attendance is mandatory and nearly universal at primary and secondary levels. School districts meet to discuss school curricula, funding, teaching, and other policies to further improve the education in the state. On the other hand, in Saudi Arabia, the government does not impose mandatory attendance in school. Although, it is encouraged that the free primary and secondary education are availed since education is given free and open to every citizen. The literacy rate for the two countries presented, are varied. The USA literacy rate is estimated at 99% for both men and women, whereas, literacy rate in Saudi Arabia is estimated at only 84. 7% for men and 70. 8% for women (Literacy, 2007). The Saudi Arabia government recognizes the importance of literacy in propelling the economy; hence, one of its objectives for the education sector is to eradicate illiteracy especially among adults and girls through several literacy programs. In the USA, despite the high literacy rate, the government is continually implementing programs to further develop the education sector. Religion is the main core of education in Saudi Arabia. The curricula developed conform to the Shariah (Islamic holy law) and the Quran. Men were trained of Islamic education to become members of religious clergy. They provide religious secondary education with focus primarily on Islamic and Arabic studies, although, the curriculum also includes general education. The schools which administer these were Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University and the Islamic University of Medinah (Sedgwick, 2001). On the contrary, education in the USA is not focused on religion but there are some schools which may offer religion subjects that are not quite extensive as religion studies in Saudi Arabia. In Saudi Arabia, education is segregated by sex. Education for boys is different from education for girls. Education is divided into three separately administered systems: general education for boys, education for girls and traditional Islamic education for boys (Sedgwick, 2001). However, in the recent years, education for girls was continuously being developed to meet the growing demands of the country. Unlike in the USA, education is offered to both sexes, giving them equal opportunity to study. The educational programs that were developed cater to both sexes. Grading scales were prepared to gauge the students’ performance on school. Grading scales in the USA and Saudi Arabia differ. In the USA, marks were given on the scale of A to F. In the criterion-referenced system, the equivalent grades of these to 0 to 100 percentile are as follows: A=95-100 or 90-100, B=85-95 or 80-90, C=75-85 or 70-80, D=65-75 or 60-70, and F is given to marks below 65 or 60. There is also the norm-referenced system where marks are given as follows: A=top 10% of the class, B=next 20% of the class, C=next 30% of the class, D=next 20% of the class, and bottom 20% of the class (Grading systems, n. d). On the contrary, the grading scale in Saudi Arabia was given as follows: 5=90-100, 4=80-89, 3=70-79, 2=60-69, and 1=0-59 (Sedgwick, 2001). The stages of education in both countries also vary. Education in Saudi Arabia starts with primary, followed by secondary, and higher education. Primary education is for ages 6 to 12. An intermediate education, which is part of primary education, is carried out for ages 12 to 15. Secondary education is divided into three: general, religious, and technical. These are taken by ages 15 to 18. The higher education is also divided into three stages: the baccaloreus (bachelor’s degree-4 years), darajat al majisteer (masters degree – 2years), and doctoorah (doctorate– minimum of 3 years) (Sedgwick, 2001). On the other hand, education in the USA is composed of these stages: preschool (1 or 2 yrs), elementary/middle/high school (12 yrs), associate, bachelors, masters, and doctorate degrees (Structure: General Information, n. . ). The differences in education in both countries mainly lie on their history, culture, social and economic conditions, whereas, the similarities were bought about by their desire to provide accessible, quality education free and open to all. Education stimulates the people to contribute to its country in addressing the increasing local and global demands. This motivates the countries to improve and further develop its educational system.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Kim Fuller Essay Example for Free
Kim Fuller Essay In the early fall of 2002, Kim Fuller was employed as a district sales engineer for a large chemical firm. During a routine discussion with plant chemists, Fuller learned that the company had developed a use for the recycled material, in pulverized form, made from plastic soda pop bottles. Because the state had mandatory deposits all beverage bottles. Fuller realized that a ready supply of this material was available. All that was needed was an organization to tap that bottle supply, grind the bottles, and deliver the pulverized plastic to the chemical company. It was an opportunity Fuller had long awaitedâ€â€a chance to start a business. In November 2002 Fuller began checking into the costs involved in setting up a plastic bottle grinding business. A used truck and three trailers were acquired to pick up the empty bottles. Fuller purchased one used grinding machine but had to buy a second one newï ¼â€ºSupplies and pans necessary to run and maintain the machines were also purchased. Fuller also purchased a personal computer with the intention of using it to keep company records. These items used $65,000 of the $75,000 Fuller had saved and invested in the company. A warehouse costing $162,000 was found in an excellent location for the business. Fuller was able to interest family members enough in this project that three of them, two sisters and a brother, invested $30, 000 each. These funds gave Fuller the$50,000 down payment on the warehouse. The bank approved a mortgage for the balance on the building. In granting the mortgage, however, the bank 0fficial suggested that Fuller start from the beginning with proper accounting records. He said these records would help not only with future bank dealings but also with tax returns and general management of the company. He suggested Fuller find a good accountant to provide assistance from the start, to get things going on the right foot. Fullers neighbor, Marion Zimmer, was an accountant with a local firm. When they sat down to talk about the new business, Fuller explained, â€Å"I know little about keeping proper records.†Zimmer suggested Fuller should buy an â€Å"off-the-shelf†accounting system software package from a local office supply retailer. Zimmer promised to help Fuller select and install the package as well as learn how to use it. In order to select the fight package for Fullers needs, Zimmer asked Fuller to list all of the items purchased for the business, a11 of the debts incurred, and the information Fuller would need to manage the business. Zimmer explained that not al l of this information would be captured by the accounting records and displayed in financial statements. Based on what Fuller told Zimmer, Zimmer promised to create files to accommodate accounting and non-accounting information that Fuller could access through the companys personal computer. As Fullers first lesson in accounting, Zimmer gave Fuller a brief lecture on the nature of the balance sheet and income statement and suggested Fuller draw up an opening balance sheet for the company. Confident now that the venture was starting on solid ground, Kim Fuller opened the warehouse, signed contracts with two local bottling companies, and hired two grinding machine workers and a truck driver. By February 2003 the new firm was making regular deliveries to Fullers former employer. Questions 1. What information will Fuller need to manage the business? Classify this information in two categories: accounting information and non-accounting information. 2. See what you can do to draw up a beginning of business list of the assets and 1iabilities of Fullers company making any assumptions you consider useful. How should Fuller go about putting a value on the companys assets? Using your values, what is the company’s opening owners’ equity? 3. Now that Fuller has started to make sales, what information is needed to determine â€Å"profit and loss†? What should be the general construction of a profit and loss analysis for Fullers business? How frequently should Fuller do such all analysis? 4. What other kinds of changes in assets, 1iabilities, and owners’ claims will need careful recording and reporting if Fuller is to keep in control of the business?
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Deconstructing the Third Front
Deconstructing the Third Front Daniel Steven Bressner After decades spent cultivating economic growth along its eastern seaboard, the PRC’s western interior is rapidly developing. In Sichuan province, Chengdu alone is now home to over 1,000 U.S. companies including General Electric and Mazda.[1] However, one of the most ambitious efforts to industrialize western China actually took place decades earlier. In a sweeping project known as the Third Front, central government planners reconfigured the economy of western provinces, with a special emphasis on defense industrialization. This paper provides an overview of the international factors that led to the creation of the Third Front and its key projects. Furthermore, it analyzes the economic strategies used by the Chinese government during this period to complete these projects. Background The Third Front, or da sanxian, derives its name from a development concept put forward Mao confidant Lin Biao, who became Minister of Defense in 1959. In a speech in 1962 known as the â€Å"7,000 Cadres Conference†, Lin pushed for the military fortification of Anhui Province as a safety measure in case the government needed to retreat from its eastern seaboard.[2] While China faced a myriad of international crises during the 1960s, Lin’s speech was most concerned with a possible attack on mainland Chinese cities by Kuomintang (KMT) forces in the aftermath of the Great Leap Forward. In 1964, Mao himself played in active role in revising the 3rd Five Year Plan so that it would emphasize national defense.[3] The final version highlighted the threat of looming war and called for increased development in transport infrastructure, science and technology, and national defense.[4] While Lin was focused on the KMT, Mao’s preoccupation was the growing American military presence in Southeast Asia. China scholar Barry Naughton is one of the leading researchers on the political economy of the Third Front. He identifies the Gulf of Tonkin incident, and subsequent start of the Vietnam War, as the primary catalyst for the acceleration of the Third Front development strategy.[5] From 1964 to 1971, the combination of defense concerns over the KMT, United States, and Soviet Union all created an environment politically conducive to intensive defense development. Structure Key Projects The primary objective of the Third Front was establish an entirely self-sufficient industrial base that China could rely on in the event of war. If eastern coastal cities like Shanghai were attacked, the area surrounding Suzhou could work as a â€Å"Second Front.†A massive stretch of mountainous terrain that included parts of Guizhou, Qinghai, Gansu, Yunnan and Sichuan provinces would serve as the â€Å"Third Front.†[6] China’s nascent nuclear weapons program, including the Lanzhou Gaseous Diffusion Plant, also fell under the territory designated as the Third Front.[7] Figure 1 illustrates the geographic regions of the project. Fig. 1: The regions of the Third Front grouped by phase. Source: Naughton, â€Å"The Third Front,†354. While there were several high-profile projects in the first phase of the Third Front, which lasted until 1969, this paper emphasizes the creation of transportation networks in the region that revolutionized how resources were moved across western China. Naughton claims that the Panzhihua iron and steel complex was the â€Å"keystone†of the Third Front.[8] Mao’s own statements during the 1960’s support this view. In 1964, Mao told a meeting of the Communist Party’s Central Committee: â€Å"Unless Panzhihua Steel Plant is fully developed, I cannot go to sleep at night. If there is no Panzhihua Steel Plant, I will have to ride a donkey to my meetings.†[9] However, this project could not exist without the development of rail infrastructure. Development was accelerated on rail lines in the southwest, with the Chongqing-Guiyang and Chengdu-Kunming lines, completed in 1965 and 1970 respectively, being the most important in linking the region together. The Chengdu-Kunming line alone cost 3.3 billion yuan, or nearly 21% of the national budget for capital construction in 1965.[10] The first phase of the Panzhihua complex cost an estimated 3.74 billion yuan.[11] The factories and labor serviced by this new rail network were brought into the region using a strategy known as yi fen wei er, or â€Å"one divided into two†, which Naughton likens to an economic â€Å"mitosis.†[12] Tsinghua University students Bin Xu and Linxing Xiao use the Panzhihua complex as an example to demonstrate how this concept worked. â€Å"If there were two sets of equipment, move one to Panzhihua. If there was only one set, move it to Panzhihua.†[13] This idea was replicated for manpower, technical know-how, and financial investment from across China. Factories on China’s eastern seaboard would send a significant portion of their resources to the southwest and be left responsible for making up the difference in capability, whereas the newly transplanted western workforce received additional state investment to accelerate development. Figure 2 shows the massive spike of state investment in Sichuan province following the prioritization of Panz hihua after 1964. Fig 2: State investment into Sichuan province from 1964 to 1972. Source: China Geo-Explorer, All China Data Center, The second phase of the Third Front, lasting from 1969 to 1972, occurred under the shadow of continually deteriorating relations with the USSR. The focus of the second phase was on machine building, with its centerpiece project being the No. 2 Automobile Plant in Shiyang, in Hubei province’s northwest region.[14] Reflecting the security concerns of the central government, additional plants in the area were hidden deep in mountain valleys and even caves to minimize potential damage from airstrikes. Three critical rail lines were constructed during this period in order to facilitate the transit of labor and material resources; the Luoyang-Yangtze, Hunan-Guizhou, and Chongqing to Wuhan (via Ankang) connections.[15] The Third Front’s national significance, and level of national investment, was as high as 45% in 1966, but dropped again as the decade came to a close.[16] The total proportion of national investment into the Third Front during the Fourth Five-Year Plan, from 19 71-75, was 41.1%.[17] From 1971 onwards, changes in the larger political environment lead to a dismantling of many of the Third Front’s ongoing construction operations. Domestically, the fall of program architect Lin Biao played a role. However, more important was the softening and eventual normalization of diplomatic relations with the United States, whose previous perception as a strategic threat was a major justification for the entire Third Front. Impact and Legacy Economic data on the total government investment during the Third Front is difficult to calculate, in part because projects that fell under the military’s jurisdiction, like development of the Chinese nuclear program, were not included alongside regular construction data. C.Z. Lin, drawing from anonymous Chinese sources, estimates that total investment was 200 billion yuan.[18] The two largest companies to have developed out of the Third Front era are Panzhihua Steel and Dongfeng Motor Corporation, the latter of which stems from Shiyang’s Automobile Plant No 2. Dongfeng, China’s second largest automobile producer, posted a 2012 net income of $1.3 billion USD. Swedish automobile firm Volvo bought a 45% stake in the company the following year.[19] One of the lasting positive legacies of the Third Front era is the existence of rail infrastructure across China’s western provinces, which were an inevitable step forward in linking the region’s economy with the rest of the country. Despite this, the way in which these projects were undertaken dramatically inflated their costs and misallocated resources. Historian Robert Cliver notes that the decision to make Third Front rail lines a priority above all others diverted progress from the rest of the country’s national rail network. The result was that cost per kilometer of rail infrastructure on Third Front projects was five to six times the national average.[20] The largest source of developmental issues within the Third Front likely came not from the sheer cost of the project, or even from its remote location. While these were serious issues, the construction principle of sanbian, or what Naughton identifies as â€Å"three simultaneous†, was the most dama ging.[21] This concept of simultaneously designing a site, constructing it, and producing from it ensured that proper site planning was often not conducted. More importantly, it led to additional costs from avoidable errors that slowed down overall production. An additional 40 million yuan was pumped into the Chengdu-Kunming rail line from the late 1970s to the mid-1980s to provide the manpower necessary to fix track deficiencies.[22] If the Third Front era is judged purely on whether it made China more prepared for war with the U.S. or the Soviet Union, it can be regarded as successfully accomplishing its key objectives. It spurred investment into China’s mountainous west, led to the fortification of industrial sites, and generally created an economic base designed to support an extended war on the mainland. It fulfilled the purposefully vague objective set out in the State Planning Commission’s Third Five Year Plan, which sought to â€Å"strengthen national defense and make breakthroughs in technology.†[23] However, the Third Front development strategy was based on short-term strategic concerns at the cost of long-term economic growth. Projects with flawed designs and the drawing away of wealth from China’s eastern seaboard made the Third Front an undeniable economic failure. Naughton draws on statistical analysis conducted by Chinese economist Chen Dongsheng to illustrate the misallocation of resources that drew growth away from the east coast. Using Chen’s data, Naughton estimates that â€Å"China’s industrial output is 10-15% below what it would have been if the Third Front had never been undertaken.†[24] Thus, while the Third Front was an economically unviable project that placed a heavy burden on the Chinese economy, it demonstrates how seriously Mao took the perceived strategic encirclement the country was facing from the United States, Republic of China forces, and the Soviet Union. Further analysis of the Third Front is a valuable endeavor for those s tudying both China’s economy and the history of its international relations. Works Cited Bramall, Chris. Chinese Economic Development. London: Routledge, 2008. China Internet Information Center. â€Å"The Third Five-year Plan (1966-1970).† Last modified May 21st 2007, Cliver, Robert. â€Å"Third Front Policy.†In the Berkshire Encyclopedia of China, edited by Linsun Cheng, Kerry Brown, Winberg Chai, Xiejun Chen, and Karen Christensen, 2244-2247. Great Barrington: Berkshire Publishing Group, 2009. Dickie, Lance. â€Å"Sichuan: A Land of Abundance and Opportunities.†The Seattle Times, January 21st 2014. Lin, C.Z. â€Å"Employment implications of defence cutbacks in China.†In Defense Expenditure, Industrial Conversion, and Local Employment, edited by Liba Paukert, 189-204. Geneva: International Labor Office, 1991. Mohanty, Deba R. â€Å"The Chinese Security Dilemma in the 1950s and 1960s: Story of the Third Front.†Institute for Defense Studies and Analysis, January 17th 2011. Naughton, Barry. â€Å"The Third Front: Defense Industrialization in the Chinese Interior.†The China Quarterly 115, September (1988): 351-386. Pike, John. â€Å"Lanzhou – Chinese Nuclear Forces.†Federation of American Scientists. Last modified May 12th 2000, Tejada, Carlos. â€Å"Truck Maker Volvo Sets Alliance to Enter China.†The Wall Street Journal, January 27th 2013. Xu, Bin and Linxing Xiao. â€Å"Planning and Construction History of Panzhihua during the Three-Front Strategy Period: Backgrounds, Process, and Mechanism.†(paper presented at the 15th International Historical Planning Society, Sao Paolo, Brazil, July 15th-18th, 2009). Page | 1 [1] Lance Dickie, â€Å"Sichuan: A Land of Abundance and Opportunities,†The Seattle Times, last modified January 21st 2014, [2] Deba R. Mohanty, â€Å"The Chinese Security Dilemma in the 1950s and 1960s: Story of the Third Front,†Institute for Defense Studies and Analysis, January 17th 2011. [3] Barry Naughton, â€Å"The Third Front: Defense Industrialization in the Chinese Interior,†The China Quarterly 115, September (1988): 353. [4] â€Å"The Third Five-year Plan (1966-1970),†China Internet Information Center –, last modified May 21st 2007, [5] Naughton, â€Å"The Third Front,†369. [6] Naughton, â€Å"The Third Front,†354. [7] John Pike, â€Å"Lanzhou – Chinese Nuclear Forces,†Federation of American Scientists, last modified May 12th 2000, [8] Naughton, â€Å"The Third Front,†357. [9] Chris Bramall, Chinese Economic Development (London: Routledge, 2008), 268. [10] Naughton, â€Å"The Third Front,†358. [11] Ibid. [12] Ibid., 356. [13] Bin Xu and Linxing Xiao, â€Å"Planning and Construction History of Panzhihua During the Three-Front Strategy Period: Backgrounds, Process, and Mechanism†(paper presented at the 15th International Historical Planning Society, Sao Paolo, Brazil, July 15th-18th, 2009). [14] Robert Cliver, â€Å"Third Front Policy,†in the Berkshire Encyclopedia of China, ed. by Linsun Cheng et al. (Great Barrington: Berkshire Publishing Group, 2009): 2246. [15] Naughton, â€Å"The Third Front,†359. [16] C.Z Lin, â€Å"Employment implications of defence cutbacks in China,†in Defense Expenditure, Industrial Conversion, and Local Employment, ed. by Liba Paukert (Geneva: International Labor Office, 1991): 202. [17] Naughton, â€Å"The Third Front,†365. [18] Lin, â€Å"Employment implications of defence cutbacks in China,†201. [19] Carlos Tejada, â€Å"Truck Maker Volvo Sets Alliance to Enter China,†The Wall Street Journal, January 27th 2013, [20] Cliver, â€Å"Third Front Policy,†2247. [21] Naughton, â€Å"The Third Front,†376. [22] Naughton, â€Å"The Third Front,†376. [23] â€Å"The Third Five-year Plan (1966-1970),†China Internet Information Center –, last modified May 21st 2007, [24] Naughton, â€Å"The Third Front,†379.
Monday, August 19, 2019
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee :: essays research papers
"To Kill A Mockingbird" by Harper Lee is a book that i would reccomend for anyone to read. This book talks about the issues of prejidice and how it affects the community. When he was nearly thirteen, my brother Jem broke his arm badley at the elbow. When it healed, and Jems's fears of never being able to play football were assuaged, he was seldom self-conscious about his injury. His left arm was somewhat shorter than his right; when he stood or walked, the back of his hand was at right angles to his body, his thumb parallel to his thigh. He couldn't have cared less as long as he could pass and punt. When enogh years had gone by to enable us to look back on them, we sometimes discussed the events leading to his accident. I maintain that the Ewell's started ti all, but Jem , who was four years my senior, said it atarted long before that. He said it began the summer Dill came to us, when Dill first gave us the idea of making Boo RAdley come out. this book sucks dick i just wish that there were some kind of site that poor people could go to, u know to find essays that they might need help on. But no everyone is trying to get a little green out of things. Well you know what i am going to find a site and than rub it in ya'll faces. Ya you bot that right! Well my name is Marcia Bryant and i hope some one reads this shit and relizes that i don't have a damn credit card. I'm sixteen fucking years old, What am i going to do wit a credit card. I mean come on. You people should know that the majority of people looking for essays r students. fi hope that all the people running these essay web site burn in hell, it is only common sense here not rocket science.haluioueowijkfdsoufiudokfjkmniidlm foidom oifms oidmfkjoia flioaidj,dm foidm,fl lkfm,d ndwp04 rlksm,mkjsfj f8u9kjkjfksjlojslkjslja;lsj;ljsljkasjl;fkjslajljfljfljsdlkjfldksjflkjsaljdlksjljdlfjksdlfjskljfljsdfkljsdlkfjlsdkjflksdjflsjflkjsalkjljalkjdflaj;ldkfjlasjfljsdlfkjdkslfj s;fk jdlkf lkdj f df df dslkf ;kjds fjk ;saklf df f d flkjd;lkf aklj fjlka lk;f dlkf kla;j;fjaf;iuweopruiweuroiwuri wriwjfsdpuifpsiodu[fosudfipousdpoivfu po u ofu [psdufu po udfp[ ouf o opusdfp[uaod[puapou opfua[pouf poudfpousafopuasdpofupodsaufpoudspofupodsufpousd jfijsdlkhf;ljkshdflkjlkfj kjdfl;j d jsklfj;lskfjkldsfj;lksljf;jdkjf;dsjf;ds jsdlfkjds klfjsldkjflk;dsfjlk;jdsljflkjdlkfjklsd flkj kljdspfiuaisufpdsuifoupovupoczxupvoupjspkfj;suv;pc vefduopuivgop ergupioufcjg fsdgj fpufp p ou9opuf u o9u pou fopsdu fojdspofias ofuods ofipodu fpodsuifo ipodsuifp odsu fopudsfoids;lkfo ofd p fudfopuauspofus o o pofduspofusp9ofgksjf uodofus aasfoiaou sfdskjfdsopufduspfo f "To Kill A Mockingbird" by Harper Lee is a book that i would reccomend for anyone to read.
Graduation Speech: Im Ready for High School :: Graduation Speech, Commencement Address
Wow, three years have passed and the last day is just as long as the first. Three years of hard discipline and learning to get used to homework every night. Three years of standing on the front steps waiting for my parents and saying goodbye to my teachers. I never thought the goodbye might be permanent. 6th grade came and I was looking up at those giant 8th graders, and now I guess I’m one of them. 6th grade, and I was saying hello, and now 8th grade has come and it’s gone from introductions to goodbyes as my last days as a middle school student wind down. 8th grade, 8th grade from the opening day to the signing of the yearbooks. This is the year of memories, goodbyes, and regrets. 8th grade and I’m still realizing that there are people in the world that would die to go to a school like this. A school where every body knows everyone’s name, respects everyone, and where violence and fighting are about as common as the Yankees missing the playoffs. When I’m done with my homework and go to bed, as the days of 8th grade wind down, summer will come and go, and I will find myself in one of those giant, scary places called high school. The first time I heard C.R.I.S.P. all I could think of was my mom’s rich apple pies. Now C.R.I.S.P. has more of a meaning. Every day I see C.R.I.S.P. in the hallways and classrooms, not only on the walls but among my fellow students. Everyone wants to help each other out because that’s the way we work here. Everyone tries hard to do their best and be the best person they can be. Looking back on my three years at Twin Cities Academy, I find myself wondering how all these years came and went so fast. I still watch myself walking through the same halls and sitting in the same classrooms as I did back in 6th and 7th grade and I’ve seen myself grow so much, mentally, socially and physically. I still remember everything that has happened throughout my years, the best of times, and the worst. So here I am, not sure if I’m trying to stretch out my final days in a school that has taught me so much, or waiting for a 90-day-straight school-free period. I guess I want to savor these final days with some students that I just met, and some that I’ve known for 3 years because this may be the last time that I see them.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Nutrition for Infants, Children, and Adolescents Essay -- Papers Healt
Nutrition for Infants, Children, and Adolescents Works Cited Not INcluded Each child is a unique individual whose heredity and environment shape the course of his or her life. Woven into the daily life are aspects of food and nutrition. What childhood memories of food do you have? Are these memories healthy or unhealthy? Foods and their nutrients are essential to life. In the beginning years of life an infant’s nutritional health depends on the family unit. Parents must have knowledge of the changing food needs of the child and must also have sufficient resources to provide food, shelter, and clothing for the family. Equally important, parents create the cultural and psychological environment that influences the development of food habits, setting the patterns for later years. During the preschool years some children depend solely on family caregivers for their nutritional needs. For other preschooler children the responsibility for meeting nutritional needs is shared by the family and others, such as caregivers in child-care centers and babysitters. The child entering school becomes influenced by teachers and peers, and learns to broaden his or her experiences with food. For many people, the adolescent years often are turbulent as the teenager seeks independence and freedom from adult rules and standards. In this research, I will focus on nutrition, in retrospect to growth and development in infants, preschoolers, school children and adolescents. Infants Infants vary widely in their growth patterns, so it would be unwise to compare one infant with another. Yet there is value in being familiar with typical patterns of growth and development. At birth, the fetus makes an abrupt transition to... ...oisoning can be harmful, obesity occurs, and hyperactivity can result. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Preadolescents and Adolescents A third and final period of rapid growth and metabolism occurs during this stage. At this stage, teenagers have many interest in their physical and emotional development. For example, important topics are the size and shape of their bodies; their complexion, their overall appearance; and physical activity. Girls express a particular need for a good figure, healthy skin, and beautiful hair. Boys are more likely to be interested in tall stature, muscular development, and athletic vigor and stamina. The RDA’s for adolescents are somewhat higher than those for adults men and women, with corresponding higher allowances for most vitamins and minerals. These increases are to satisfy the increased nutrient needs caused by their adolescent growth spurt.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Final Draft of Argument Essay: Traffic in Chicago Needs to be Solved Essay
Traffic in Chicago is a big problem, so the mayor should take it serious and solve it by build new roads or creating new traveling methods. Traffic jam is a long line of vehicles in which many vehicles get stuck in jam. Although there are many causes of traffic jam, the main cause of traffic jam is the narrowness of roads in proportion to the large number of vehicles. Traffic is a very big obstacle in reaching where we are heading to. It brings great suffering to us, and kills our valuable time. We can not reach school, college, office and hospital in time. Sometimes ambulance and fire brigade can not go hurry up due to traffic jam. In result, this problem should be solved. Traffic during the rush hours is the worst. We are in about to be in Summer time, where Chicago receives millions of visitors. In that time that’s where people lost a lot of things. If you have a flight in that period, you better take a train because it will take long to get the airport. Responsible should take the traffic jam seriously, and must be solved. Solutions like using public transportation in better way to travel, and it is the most convenient method. Also, creating new bike lanes encourage people to ride bikes rather than driving which help decreasing the traffic. By informing the drivers that leaving their vehicles and take other traveling methods is only way to reduce traffic. In conclusion, traffic jam can be solved by some actions. Solutions to small road capacity should be the improvement of road condition. More roads even underground railways and tunnels should be laid down to relieve traffic congestion. At the same time, better public transportation systems are also needed, including bus, CTA, Pace and many others.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Defining the Humanities Essay
After reading this week’s lecture and my understanding of what humanities are is the study of what people have experienced and how they express this experience. Humanities are how people have interacted throughout their existence and how people interact today. Humanities are the study of the philosophical beliefs of a culture. The philosophical approach to understanding a culture is what separates humanities from science and history. Science and history are exact and rarely are open for debate once it is proven to be fact. Science will set out to prove its point, whatever it may be, through precise calculations. Science also studies theory and probability. Science lacks imagination in their calculations whereas humanities use imagination to understand past culture. Science wants to prove how people came to exist whereas humanities seek to understand why people exist. History is different from humanities because history studies documentation as facts and undisputable regarding what happened. Humanities seek to answer why it happened and to understand it. History was recorded in books in libraries, Humanities are written on walls in caves or in the design contained in buildings. Today cultures express their interests, their experiences, and their values through many forms such as art, music, and movies. Sharing experiences is perhaps the most basic form of explaining who people are. By sharing these experiences in the forms of art, music, and movies, it allows us to share information about us through our creativity. In today’s culture these three forms of expression allow people to show their individuality and to connect with many on different levels. Art takes many forms and is interpreted by an individual differently. Colors and design reflect our feelings. Black and white expresses loneliness and pain whereas bright colors express happiness. A painting for example, allows an artist to express themselves in a way he or she feels. It is their visualization of their thoughts (Kitchin, 2004). Society looks at the painting and is free to interpret it their way. One person may see happiness whereas another sees sadness. A picture of time square could mean chaos and seem overwhelming to one from a rural area where someone from a city sees everything he or she needs. People continue to express themselves with music. The meanings behind the words of the songs often come from the feelings and the experiences of the author. It is the responsibility of the musician to express those feelings and experiences through sound. Music with soul (Hakes, 2011). Music has been very important to our culture. Think of how important the Beatles were to world or even the Grateful Dead. My personal favorite band is Linkin Park. They are my favorite because I can relate my life to the words of their song. Their music attracts those DEFINING THE HUMANITITES 3 who appear to be weak or who do not appear to be societies strongest. Their song â€Å"The Little Things Give You Away†was written about Hurricane Katrina. The devastation from Hurricane Katrina was widespread devastation. Their song attempts to reflect through music the pain and suffering affected by it. Movies are much like music however instead of only simply able to hear words and visualize it; the movies create the visualization for the person. Movies use categorization such as romance, action, and drama. Movies based on real life events attempt to capture those events and explain them. Movies can show the romance side of a situation or even the heroics. The recent movie Argo is about the falling of the United States Embassy in Iran, which was overrun. This movie reflects the horror that six members went through while showing the heroics of a CIA member to return the members of the Embassy to the United States. These three forms of expression will continue to exist as time continues. They are acceptable means of expressions and are a very important part of today’s society. All three bring joy to people and if capable a person can express him or herself like none before. DEFINING THE HUMANITITES 4 References Kitchin, M. (2004). Art and expression. Retrieved from http://www. students. sbc. edu/kitchin04/artandexpression/artandexpression. html Hakes, T. (2011, March 11). Music as expression vs. music as entertainment. Retrieved from http://abovegroundmagazine. com/blogs/letter-from-the-editor/03/15/music-as-expression-vs- music-as-entertainment/
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Keurigs Competitive Advantage
The question is: Surge's competitive advantage? Be prepared to discuss your assessment, and provide illustrative data to support your view With the Kerri brewing technology, GAMER has a unique product and changed the way Americans brew coffee at home and in the office. GAMER maintained strategic relationships with coffee brands such as Caribou, Dunking Donuts, Folders, Newsman's Own Organics, and Cataracts to attract new consumers.Though patents have expired, GAMER depends on consumer loyalty and their ability to meet and exceed expectations. Kerri had a competitive advantage by delivering a product that mimics the coffeehouse experience because before this product, home brewing had been inferior. Kerri has speed and ease In producing high-quality cups of coffee, making it appealing to American consumers. The â€Å"away from home†strategy focused on offices and hotels.Growth Strategy for Kerri New Brewer Technology (Cold Brewing) New Beverage Categories (tea, fruit beverages) New Brands (Snapped, Taco, Celestial) New Channels K-Cup allowed consumers to use own coffee In machine, which reduced the trash created. GAMER formed new strategic relationships with brands such as Snapped, Taco, Celestial Competitive advantage In comparison to Engineers, which only has en brand to choose from and only brews espresso The business model of Kerri combines retail Beverage Company with an appliance company.It offers a wide variety of brand and caters to different consumers differ needs. Usuries Competitive Advantage By Samaritan-Amended been inferior. Kerri has speed and ease in producing high-quality cups of coffee, K-Cup allowed consumers to use own coffee in machine, which reduced the trash Taco, Celestial Competitive advantage in comparison to Engineers, which only has
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Adopting a Healthy Lifestyle Essay
Every day the people in this nation zoom around in their busy lives. People cut corners to save time and often take the easy route in many tasks. Sometimes by cutting these corners, an impact can be made on the world around us and the people we love. Eating is just one of the many things that people forget to take care of. Food is the foundation to our bodies. Food is what keeps people going and fuels them to do what they need to do. In 337 BC, Hippocrates stated, â€Å"Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food.†Most of the food people consume is not good for them. Poor nutrition is damaging and causes mood swings, behavioral issues, problems in growth development, cancer, sickness, disease, diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, and the list goes on. The artificial fillers, colors, dyes, excess salts and sugars in food cause the body to break down. This deterioration of the body leads to many types of ailments. People need to stop eating fast foods, genetically modified foods, processed and refined foods. It is killing the people in this country day after day. It is severely important to eat healthy nutritious foods. â€Å"A poorly nourished child will fail to grow properly; a poorly nourished adult will have a decreased resistance to infection and disease (The Columbia Encyclopedia, 2008).†The body needs a certain amount of vitamins and minerals to stay functioning properly on a daily basis and to keep sickness out. If people do not start eating and living healthier, sickness and chronic disease will only increase and continue to occur. 45% of Americans have at least one chronic condition and 26% of the population has two or more conditions (AACC, 2009). Poor eating habits are being passed down to children and these habits are going to be detrimental to our communities and to this nation. Eating nutritious organic fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes (beans) will prevent and diminish many health issues as well as maintain a healthy body and mind. In the past 3 decades, there has been significant increase in hyperactive beh avior, ADD and ADHD in children. A 3% increase per year has been recorded from 1997 to 2006 and a 5.5% increase from 2003 to 2007 (CDC, 2011). In America today, 5.2 million children are diagnosed with ADHD and 63% of those children are currently taking medication as a treatment (CDC, 2011). Fast foods, processed foods, candy, soda, chips and pizza are all attributing factors for hyperactive behavior. Research has linked food additives, dyes and poor nutrition with behavioral issues. The debate continues over the actual cause of hyperactivity however, a solid body of evidence points to food additives, allergic reactions to food and excess sugar in the diet. Food additives cause adverse responses that a child’s natural body is incapable of warding off. Aggressive behavior and restlessness will occur in a child when refined carbohydrates and sugars are present (Kirschman, 2007). Good eating habits are critical for the proper growth and development of a child. Studies have proved that removing artificial additives from a child’s diet will provide a substantial improvement on one’s behavior. One study demonstrated a 70% behavioral improvement after just 5 weeks (Stevenson, 2010). People need to take more care when making choices on what to feed their kids. Children also need to be educated on the effects of a poor diet. This will help them to become conscious adults and less likely to develop chronic diseases. Junk food filled with empty calories, sugars, salts and fats are like drugs to children. Their bodies are not developed enough to handle this sort of distortion in body activity. Food is medicine. Therefore, the body requires proper nutrition to function correctly. There will be a considerable increase in risk of chronic disease in upcoming generations if poor eating habits are not addressed starting at a young age (AACC, 2009). The World Health Organization (WHO) has been compiling information since 1989 about the direct link between poor nutrition and chronic disease. The WHO has concluded that there is a growing epidemic of chronic illness. Evidence has shown a direct relationship between poor diet and unhealthy lifestyles. America has been a world leader in the areas of technology, medical and scientific research, and higher education for generations. However, as people spent billions of dollars and millions of man-hours solving the crises of infectious diseases around the world, a more silent and deadly crisis grew; chronic illness (Rose, 2011). Obesity is the most prevalent of all chronic diseases. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in 2010, overweight and obesity counted for one third of the adult population. Overweight and obesity can lead to chronic illnesses like hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, respiratory problems and some cancers. U nfortunately some aspects of appetite come from an emotional nature, often times not feeding the body but feeding the need for love and comfort (Kirschman, 2007). Other factors include hormonal malfunction, emotional tension, boredom, habit or malnutrition. â€Å"According to a June 23, 2011 report published in the New England Journal of Medicine, participants gained weight with the intake of potato chips, potatoes, sweetened beverages, unprocessed red meats and processed meats. They lost weight with the intake of vegetables, whole grains, fruits, and nuts (Rose, Para 9, 2011).†Additives and preservatives take the place of nutrients and minerals removed from the original food sources. Even though processed food may taste good, it is lacking all the beneficial nutrients needed to nourish the body, maintain blood sugar levels, and ensure proper digestion. Our bodies store all the things that our digestive systems cannot process therefore making more fat tissue which contributes to obesity (Rose, 2011). Statistics show that people who are average weight will live longer, have more energy and feel better overall. A well-balanced, whole foods diet high in all essential nutrients and absent of offending substances will result in healt hy body, healthy mind and healthy body weight (Kirschman, 2007). People need to realize just how serious the consequences are related to poor diet. Conscious living and healthy eating habits are essential to a healthy, long life free from ailments and chronic illness. It is never too late to start making a change. The time has come for the people of this nation to take control of their lives. People need to stop making choices based on how they feel and from what they see when they wake up and step out into the world each morning. Changes in diets and lifestyles have occurred through industrialization, urbanization and economic development. These changes have impacted what people chose to eat as well as their activity levels (WHO, 2002). There has been a significant impact on the health and nutritional status of our population. The access to food has increased and diversified and this direction is not beneficial. The more people evolve and find new technologies; the sicker, the bigger and more in debt people become. These changes in dietary and lifestyle patterns; chronic illness including obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension and stroke, and some types of cancer are becoming increasingly significant causes of disability and premature death. This places additional burdens on already overtaxed national health budgets (WHO, 2002). Expressing the importance for changing the way people consume food is tough but the consequences of poor diet outweigh any sort of excuse. People’s minds are being filled with attraction to the wrong types of food. People need to take charge of their habits and recognize the importance of adopting a healthier lifestyle. This society needs to stop overeating and consuming overloaded amounts of non-nutritious foods. Food may look and taste absolutely delicious, but that does not mean it has the same satisfying benefit to our bodies. People need to start making choices that matter over the ones that feel good in the moment. This is needed for the well-being of every person in this nation. Food is a person’s foundation and without consuming it properly; a long life of sickness awaits. When people fuel their bodies with proper nutrients it is virtually impossible to get cancers and other chronic diseases. If a person’s body is balanced; when a person nourishes all their systems and all the functions of the body are intact, sickness is powerless (Gerson, 2012). The University of Berkeley, California (2008) writes that one of the biggest preventative measures in avoiding disease is to quit smoking, reduce your blood cholesterol, avoid hypertension, stay active, maintain a healthy weight, avoid diabetes, and balance alcohol consumption. In fewer words, eat healthy and stay active. Testing shows that vitamins A, C, E, B3 and B6 prevent the growth of cancer cells. They stimulate the body’s immune system and act as free-radical scavengers. Free radicals are chemicals produced by the body when exposed to harmful elements such as food and drink contaminants, rancid fats or air pollution. Lipotropes, which prevent the accumulation of fat in the liver, protect the cells from the transformation to cancer cells. Free radicals damage parts of the human cell, especially DNA (a hereditary material present in nearly every cell in the human/animal body) and RNA (similar to DNA except that it is a single stranded molecule). DNA and RNA direct the actions of each cell. Once this process is disturbed by free radicals (poor nutrition), cancer and other chronic disease can develop. (Kirschman, 2007) The result of poor diet, lack of nutritious foods, and absence of activity will result in sickness, disease and chronic illness. People can prevent these things from happening by making simple changes in the way they live their lives. Avoid junk foods like candy and chips. Soda and manufactured juices that pose as being healthy, reduced in calories/sugar or low in fat can be replaced with water. A juicer is also a great investment. An assorted variety of colorful fruits and vegetables can be mixed into a juice extractor which can substitute for a snack or fill the desire for a delicious beverage. Juice from natural juicing requires little digestion and goes directly into the body system Haynes, 2012). It is beneficial to the earth, to communities and to this nation to grow food locally; to purchase food locally. People need to include a large range of fruits, veggies, whole grains, beans and nuts in their diets. It is vital to eat these foods in their most natural and unprocessed forms. Pesticides, chemicals and hormones added in foods can alter the capabilities of the nourishment naturally presented (Kirschman, 2007). This nation needs to step out of consumerism and go back to the basics of eating. Humans are gatherers (herbivores) and meant to eat foliage. People do not have enough land, time or money to consume at the level they are devouring (Andrews, 2009). â€Å"A meat-cancer connection has been reported in over 100 epidemiological studies from numerous countries with assorted food habits. Diets can be healthy when including moderate amounts of meat from healthy source s. Yet, unlike plants, which we can’t live without, we don’t need meat to survive (Andrews, 2009).†If people were to provide their bodies with nutrient packed fruits and vegetables, whole grains and beans, chronic illness, disease and sickness could be diminished. According to the National Center of Health Statistics, 65.2% of American adults are overweight and obese because of poor nutrition (CDC, 2010). That is just one result of this chronic issue. With eating conscious, people can eliminate the risk of developing a sickness or having different types of chronic illness. Eating crunchy peppers, carrots, apples, celery, nuts or radishes can be consumed as a snack instead of chips and candy. Water should be substituted for all sodas and commercial juices. Boil and steam fruits and vegetables instead of frying them. Eat them raw or juice them in a juicing machine. Foods that are fried, processed, genetically modified and refined tend to lose of their nutritional value thus destroying the body. Too much sugar stored in the body basically just turns into fat. Excess fat stored in the body and the lack of energy from poor nutrition can cause people to become inactive. To avoid all of this the answer is very simple. Eating healthy is imperative to one’s health. Nutritious, mineral and vitamin packed food must be consumed to keep the body functioning properly. People need to take care in what is being served on their dinner tables. People need to be conscious and aware of what they are choosing at the grocery store. People need to watch their portions and take care in the way their foods are being cooked. Chronic illness and sickness can be prevented by eating healthy. If people take the steps and watch the way they consume food they would live longer, disease free lives. If they take care in what they are eating there would be less sickness, disease and debt in our nation. References American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC). (2009). July 2009 Clinical Laboratory News: Rates of Chronic Disease Expected to Rise Sharply. Clinical Laboratory News, 35(7). Retrieved from Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC). (2011). Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Behavior (ADHD). Retrieved from Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC). (2010). Overweight and Obesity. Retrieved from Columbia University Press. (2008). The Columbia Encyclopedia. Retrieved from Gerson, C. [gersoninstitute]. (The Gerson Institute). (2012, April 24). Charlotte Gerson at the Rock Church’s Cancer Care Ministry [Video file]. Available from Haynes D., Haynes, V. (2012). Health Benefits of Juicing. Retrieved from Kirschman, J., Nutrition Search Inc. (2007). Nutrition Almanac Sixth Addition. New York, NY: The McGraw-Hill Companies Rose, C. (2011). Obesity in America. Down to Earth. Retrieved from References (cont.) Stevenson, J. (2010). Recent Research on Food Additives: Implications for CAMH. Child & Adolescent, 15(3, 130-133. Retrieved from University of Berkeley California. (2008). Preventing Heart Disease. Retrieved from World Health Organization. (2002). Diet, Nutrition and the Prevention of Chronic Disease. WHO Technical Report Series, 916, 1-160. Retrieved from
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