Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Should Abortion Be Permissible - 1238 Words
Subject: Whether abortion is legalized or illegal, abortion is Immoral (Presidential debates) Abortion is a very delicate issue that we heard about a lot the last two years from the political debates of our country. Many people from the democrat and the republican parties had repetitively debated whether or not an abortion should be tolerable or not tolerable. Some considered that ending the life of a human fetus is very bad and should not be permissible at all. Republican Party alleged that abortion is like committing murder as it is killing a human fetus. The Democratic Party felt that the mother have the right to make a choice of keeping or aborting the fetus, and it is not assassination until the baby is brought to life. The†¦show more content†¦A living being does not have to be a person to have an intrinsic moral value and rights. By giving this argument, people might ask what about the mother? The mother has the right of ending her fetus’s life under any circum stance for any reason at any time in her pregnancy. During the debate, Pro-choice argued that there are moments when abortion is acceptable to be done. For example: when complications happen during pregnancy and the mother can be hurt then it is ok to abort. â€Å"It is Important to understand the numerous philosophies that go behind abortion†Hilary Clinton said. The right of ending fetus life for a mother must be left on her personal decision since she only understands her circumstance, not the government. The mother accepted to be the â€Å"host body†for the upcoming baby for the next nine months and according to Hillary Clinton the democratic presidential nominated, the mother should have the right to decide if she wants to keep a baby that she been rape from or end the pregnancy. But is that moral? Almost everyone believed that human fetus has intrinsic value and infinite worth, therefore has an absolute value to live. For example when pregnant women decided to g ive birth to a fetus that is inside her womb, then everyone in the society and the law gives value to the fetus. In the other hands, if the pregnantShow MoreRelatedWhy Should Sex Selection Abortions Are Morally Permissible?923 Words  | 4 Pagesplace myself and judge moral theories more as what a utilitarian would do. I feel that some of your decisions and actions should be based on what produces the best over evil, everyone considered. As I read the case study, Aborting Daughters, I instantly answer the question, â€Å"Do you think sex-selection abortions are morally permissible?†No, I do not think they are morally permissible. 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The point of contention on abortion is that we are putting two lives in jeopardy, the mother’s and fetus’ life. Although this issue is highly discussed, debaters, especially opponents, fail to provide explicit and extensive analysis as it is pointed out by Judith J. Thomson in her article ‘‘A Defense of Abortion.†In this article, I will be rehearsingRead MoreThe Moral Permissibility Of Abortion Essay1485 Words  | 6 PagesThe moral permissibility of abortion other than if necessary to save the life of the mother does not depend on whether the fetus is a person. This essay examines the argument to why abortion is morally permissible and defends this notion using three central impressions, to which the essay is organized by the following: first, abortion does not depend on whether the fetus is a person, because the fetus is not a person. Second, the moral permissibility of abortion cannot be exclusively contingent inRead MoreEssay On Abortion Permis sible1746 Words  | 7 PagesI will argue that abortion is permissible in all stages of the pregnancy before birth. Abortion should be permissible based on moral, health and women rights reasons. Abortion is an operation or procedure to terminate pregnancy before the fetus is viable. Pro-Choice argues that the choice to whether to have or not have an abortion is a woman’s right to choose, while Pro-Life argues that women should have the choice to her body, while Pro-Life argues abortion is impermissible. Morally, there canRead MoreThomsons View of Abortion Essay1099 Words  | 5 PagesThomsons View of Abortion In the article A Defense of Abortion Judith Jarvis Thomson argues that abortion is morally permissible even if the fetus is considered a person. In this paper I will give a fairly detailed description of Thomson main arguments for abortion. In particular I will take a close look at her famous violinist argument. Following will be objections to the argumentative story focused on the reasoning that one persons right to life outweighs another persons right to autonomyRead More A Defense of Abortion by Judith Jarvis Thomson Essay1075 Words  | 5 PagesA Defense of Abortion by Judith Jarvis Thomson In the article A Defense of Abortion Judith Jarvis Thomson argues that abortion is morally permissible even if the fetus is considered a person. In this paper I will give a fairly detailed description of Thomson main arguments for abortion. In particular I will take a close look at her famous violinist argument. Following will be objections to the argumentative story focused on the reasoning that one persons right to life outweighs anotherRead MoreAbortion : An Argument For A Pregnancy Before Normal Childbirth1153 Words  | 5 PagesTerm Paper: Abortion Generally, abortion means the intentionally termination a pregnancy before normal childbirth. Now, the topic abortion is worldwide endless intentionally termination a pregnancy before normal childbirth. The debate mainly focuses on the rights and wrongs of the result of abortion which kills the fetus. It s one of the most opposing moral issues. Most people are on the side whether totally agree or totally disagree, negligible people are the middle liner. Pro-abortion groups, whoRead MoreEssay about Using Utilitarianism to Address Abortion1286 Words  | 6 PagesIn this paper, I will be defining act utilitarianism and rule utilitarianism, use both standpoints from a rule utilitarian and an act utilitarian to decipher their responses to abortion, and investigate both claims to come to a conclusion if or if not utilitarianism is adequate enough argument to address abortion. First the definition of utilitarianism is, â€Å"An act is morally right if and only if it does more to improve overall happiness than any available alternative†(Farley). Overall happinessRead MoreArgument For Abortion : The Freedom Of Choose Life1263 Words  | 6 PagesMilsky Argument for Abortion: The Freedom to Choose Life Judith Jarvis Thomson argued that the â€Å"the impermissibility of abortion does not follow from the premises that every fetus is a person and that every person has a right to life†(Thomson) Thomson distinguishes between what we ought to do versus what we are morally required to. This essay will show how abortions are permissible and not permissible according to Thomson. Thomson first starts about her argument that abortion may still be morally
Monday, December 16, 2019
Science Periodic Table Essay Free Essays
The Periodic Table The periodic table has been updated all throughout history. Elements have been around us since the beginning of time. Elements, such as gold and silver, are examples of these elements that have been known for centuries. We will write a custom essay sample on Science Periodic Table Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now The periodic table allows us to see the elements in their families so we can understand what properties they have. It also allows us to see the atomic number, atomic mass, and the symbol of the element. The periodic table is a source of knowledge that is still being updated as of this day. That is why the periodic table is such a valuable resource. In ancient times, the elements gold and silver were discovered. Another element that was known at this time was copper. The Greek philosopher, Aristotle said that all elements were made out of these four â€Å"roots. †The philosopher, Plato, renamed the â€Å"four roots†earth, fire, water, and air. Although they introduced the concept of elements, they did nothing to advance the nature of the matter, which matter is made of. The age of enlightenment was a big adventure for the science world. Hennig Brand was the first person recorded to have discovered a new element. He was a German merchant who went bankrupt, while trying to discover the Philosopher’s Stone. The Philosopher’s stone was a mythical object that was supposed to turn inexpensive base metals into gold. He experimented with distilling human urine until he finally obtained a white substance which he named phosphorous in 1649. Brand did not go to the public with his discovery until another scientist named Robert Boyle rediscovered it and took it to the public. In 1661, Boyle defined an element has a substance that cannot be broken down by chemical means. Antoine Lavoisier developed the first chemistry textbook. This included the elements oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, phosphorous, mercury, zinc, and sulfur. Lavoisier’s descriptions of the elements only classified elements as metals or non-metals. Johann Dobereiner began to classify the elements in triads. These elements that belong to these triads had properties that were similar to each other. A few of these triads are as follows: 1. Chlorine, bromine, and iodine 2. Calcium, strontium, and barium 3. Sulfur, selenium, and tellurium 4. Lithium, sodium, and potassium. With all these triads, the atomic mass of the second element was almost exactly the average of the atomic weights of the first and third elements. By 1869, 69 elements had been discovered. Alexandre Chancourtois was the first to notice the periodicity of the elements. Similar elements seemed to occur at regular intervals when they were arranged by their atomic mass. He created an early version of the periodic table. He called it the telluric helix. When the elements were arranged on a cylinder by order of the increasing atomic mass, Chancourtois could tell that the elements with similar properties lined up vertically. He published this work in 1862, but there was little to go on. In 1865, John Newlands classified 56 elements that had been discovered previously into eleven groups based on similar physical properties. Newlands said that many pairs of similar elements existed differed by some multiple of eight in atomic number. Dimitri Mendeleev created the periodic table that we use today. He arranged the elements by their atomic mass and noticed that they lined up with the elements that had similar properties with each other. He also noticed that when they were arranged in this way, the valences lined up as well. When he published his table in 1869, it had many advantages. This table is more widely used in today’s time. The discovery of the periodic table is also the discoveries of the elements. As the elements were discovered, they were added to the periodic table. Since the beginning of time, more elements have been discovered. The most recent was ununpentium. It was discovered in 2011. As anyone can see the periodic table is continuing to grow and develop. It is a child of the elements. As each element is named, the periodic table grows. The periodic table will always be an ongoing process and the updating of it will never end. That is because new elements are discovered every day! How to cite Science Periodic Table Essay, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Marketing Management of Woolworths South Africa
Question: Discuss about the Strategic Marketing Management of Woolworths South Africa. Answer: Introduction This report primarily focuses on the analysis of the marketing strategies and challenges facing Woolworths South Africa. Woolworths is a supermarket retailer that among the leading players in the retail industry. It offers a broad range of food, clothing and general merchandise to the customers (South African edition, 2012). However, the brand has failed to sustain the competitive advantage due to the unpleasing feedbacks from the customers from social media. There are several complaints regarding the poor quality of products sold and the low competency portrayed by the client service personnel of the organization. It is also said that the supermarket promises customers of instant response to their needs but fails. People prefer to seek alternatives from their competitors such as Shoprite Group, Spar, Pick ` Pay and Massmart that ensure efficiency in meeting the needs of the local market and convenient distribution (Ehimario, et al. 2012). For example, if the supermarket want to acce lerate the growth of its market share and exposure in the food retailing, the management has to implement new market strategies and principles that can lead to customer loyalty and satisfaction. Hence, the organization can reestablish its operations and maintain a reputable brand name across South Africa and the other locations. It is from this perspective that the report shall analysis the market situation using the SWOT analytical tool, the retailers current positioning, challenges, the marketing strategy and action plan to implement in the company. The marketing objective This report primarily aims at providing an insight situation analysis of Woolworths South Africa current marketing strategy and provide appropriate recommendations that can enable it to overcome its current challenges and limitations. Therefore, it can revitalize its brand to ensure sustainable growth in future. The achievement of this objective will majorly depend on the ideal marketing mix strategies used by Woolworths. The changing trends in the retail industry of South Africa are influenced by the consumers demand for best shopping experiences accompanied by value, loyalty and low prices (Vivek, et al. 2012, pp. 122-146). Also, the report will provide the management with excellent competencies in its strategic practices and action plan that ensure Woolworths brand name sustains its competitive edge across south Africa and worldwide. SWOT Situation Analysis Strengths Woolworths ability to generate adequate capital can facilitate faster expansion and opening of more stores across South Africa is a strength that can aid in improving its market share. Hence, over time it will outdo the central market leader, Shoprite whose market share is around 36% (Luiz, et al. 2011, p.1-21). Secondly, people trust the brand, and it has a good reputation. It is a result of its distinctive competency where they ensure freshness and high quality of products that they sustain a competitive edge. The implementation of the right business journey marketing strategy that aims at creating a multiplier effect that influence the buying behavior of customers. Moreover, the organization has maintained a better supply chain management due to its ability to establish a close relationship with the producers and its suppliers (Partrick, 2016). Weaknesses Over the past few years, the company has been facing negative responses from the customers regarding their products. Some of the complaints include plastic bags and cockroaches found in the food and the poor response from the incompetent customer personnel. Hence, the consumers perception of the quality of products is diminishing. The limited market share is also a weakness as the competitors have occupied a significant portion of the retail market, hence unable to compete other competitors internationally (Descubes McNamara, 2015). The company has failed when it comes to speeding up the new technologies, for example, the integrated marketing which can aid in dominating the South Africas retail market. The managers of the supermarket also fail in making strategic decisions that can improve the growth levels. Opportunities South Africas retail industry portrays excellent growth potentials due to various factors that includes; the advances in the supply chain, computerization, and the changes in the citizen's lifestyle. Its ability to invest appropriately in food prices gives it a competitive advantage (Hems, 2010). Hence, Woolworths utilizes this opportunity to formulate multi-option retailing to meet the emerging trends in the industry. The increased group sourcing gives them an opportunity to unlock the additional margin. The emerging economies give a chance for further strategic acquisitions and franchise. Moreover, a positive perception of customers regarding the companys attention to detail and modernization of its products gives it an opportunity to extend the distribution channels and technological advancements and offer a broad range of goods (Woolworth's integrated report, 2012). Threats There is stiff competition from other retailers both locally and internationally and from players like discounters and catalog-based retailers, hence making penetration to the market is quite difficult. Due to the increased oil prices in South Africa, it becomes quite difficult for Woolworths to continue with its competitive pricing strategy (Phambuka-Nsimbi, 2015). They also face the threat of high costs of raw materials which further impacts the profits margin negatively. The frequent economic recessions also hinder the organization from opening more stores. Finally, direct government interference cause uncertainties concerning the market changes and economic conditions. PESTEL analysis Political factors The political stability of the region allows the retail industry to prosper as the companies can carry out the business activities both national and internationally. The import of raw materials from suppliers outside the country and export of end products to customers at various destinations. The government encourages international trade, therefore giving an opportunity for Woolworths to operate both in Africa, Australia, New Zealand and other continents where the brand has established stores. Economic factors The fluctuation of the South African rand negatively impact the growth of the Woolworths brand. Additionally, the economic recessions being experienced in the region leads to losses of, hence failure of many companies. Other economic factors that affect the retail industry include, low rate of savings, high oil prices and a decrease in the GDP which impacts the consumer spending patterns. Socio-cultural factors The South Africans are culturally diverse and they prefer high quality products. They believe that highly priced goods and services tend to satisfy customer needs and preferences and therefore the supermarket can gain a competitive advantage due to its competitive pricing strategy. The high demand for a better retail shopping experience is a factor that challenges the retailers to focus more on providing a broad range of products which consumers can select. The food security policy is a social factor that the country is achieving hence accelerating the exports to other countries. Technological factors The use of new technologies, e-retailing and the internet accelerates international competitiveness through expansion of the operations to other foreign markets. The advanced technologies is one of the strengths that enables Woolworths to let their customers have a lasting shopping experience and enables the company to develop a better supply chain management. Environmental factors Woolworths has put in place various measures that ensure protection of the natural environment and resources. For example, then combined waste initiatives that focus on the reduction of waste to the landfill, the recycling project and water management best practices in its supply chains. Legal factors The laws of the country require that all retailers put measures to protect employees, customers and the public at large. The increased taxation negatively impacts the performance of Woolworths. Further, the government laws protect the consumers from harmful food products that may impact the health status of its citizen. Corporate social responsibility is a mandatory fact that all retailers should comply with as per the regulations of the country. Current positioning of Woolworths Perhaps, Woolworths brand is still trusted and reliable to customers. The company is among the top 100 companies listed on the securities exchange of Johannesburg in South Africa (Mitchell, 2015). It has a strong market position in the southern hemisphere, however has failed to sustain its leadership which led to losses. The annual report of December 2015 showed that Woolworths earning per share increased by 30.6%, and the gross profits grew by 48.1%. It is evident that the company continues to expand across Africa and other continents at a high rate and hence increasing the market share from 11% (Woolworths, 2015). Despite the complaints on social media, it continues to provide quality products and services and uses various promotion strategies that aim at gaining a competitive advantage and increase the market share. However, it has not yet gained a greater market share since the Shoprite seems to dominate the food sector however they are leading in the retail industry of South Afr ica. The performance in 2016 evidenced that Woolworths recorded a customer base of 3.2 million and continued to attract young customers (WHL Integrated Report, 2016). They aim at becoming a leader in fashion and food retailing. Currently, statistics on the fresh produce and prepared food show a significant growth in the market share of the brand. Woolworth launched a brand campaign of fresh food people that aimed at freshening the positioning in the market. The target market of Woolworths constitutes the local consumers shopping both from the stores and online. Also, it targets high income earners and online shoppers and its future focuses on the black and upmarket (Chu Chiu, 2013). Their brand is gaining a better positioning in the market due to the following activities conducted by the company. Firstly, there is understanding customer needs through the world of difference loyalty program and product availability at the right place and time. Further the organization takes into consideration the environmental concerns and supporting the SA school. Woolworths strategic plans, goals and objectives show that they are customer centric and aim at providing quality products at cheaper prices. Hence, an essential step to grow the business and expand the product line (Rehan, 2014, pp.222-230). Current challenges Woolworths brand faces a slow market growth due to a slowdown in the South Africas economy since 2014 (Matsoma Ambe, 2016, pp.194-210). Hence there is a reduction in shopping confidence which has forced the company to cut its prices and focus on customer loyalty initiatives. Negative customer responses where product quality is the issue as discussed on the media. They also face the challenge of customer acquisition and retention. Moreover, the high employee turnover and weak staff morale is a great challenge which is as a result of failure to give compensation and benefits to employees accordingly (Hem Teslo, 2012). For example, the case that was raised on Facebook regarding a worker who injured herself but the organization failed to cater for her hospital bills. They also face the challenge of negative perception by customers regarding the price and value and inability to provide trans-seasonal merchandise. The market discounting led to profit downgrade of Woolworths. In addition, there is greater competitive pressure from the rivals. For example, Shoprite has come with new strategies of segmentation, and engaging customers thus shall continue maintaining its market leadership (Prinsloo, 2010). The impact of such challenges on Woolworths depends on how they control them. They may either build or destroy brand image and reputation and therefore the marketing managers should ensure that they retain customer by offering quality products that are free from defects. The adverse effects may include, reduction in repeat business, decrease in brand recognition and market share (Kapferer, 2008). However, this organization may use the following recommended strategies to overcome the challenges discussed above. The company should come up with innovative marketing strategies that differentiate their products from the competitors to change shopping habits and customer interaction with the brand. Additionally, the marketing managers have to increase the frequency of promotional campaigns and events which in turn improves sales volume. It can also ensure full participation in corporate social responsibilities activities and offer GM- free foods (Chowdhury, 2013). Moreover, the embrasure of Omni channel processes and advanced networks can result to a unified retailing and maintenance of employee efficiency. It may carry market surveys to identify areas that customers need improvement and convince them to continue shopping from their stores. Lastly, they should hire staff personnel that focus on better services to customers and respond to customers complaints on the spot rather than giving promises that cannot be fulfilled in the long run (Veneto, 2013). Effective marketing strategy to apply Revitalize the Woolworths brand There are six strategies that Woolworths South Africa can adopt to revitalize its brand from the current positioning in the market. First, it should refocus itself by defining the goals of the brand and improve the financial discipline. Secondly, it has to restore the brand relevance. This strategy requires that the organization has got a clear understanding of the marketplace, market segments, customer insight and brand promise (Hollebeek, 2011, pp.555-573). Thirdly, it should have to reinvent the brand experience which can either be emotional or functional hence leading to brand distinctiveness. Another strategy includes reinforcing the resulting culture. For Woolworths to revitalize its brand it has to identify the measurable and appropriate milestones, implement the reward and recognition systems. Next, it has to rebuild its brand trust by predicting the consumer behavior patterns. Thus, establishing a long lasting brand loyalty in its trademark. Lastly, Woolworths should realize the global alignment by rebuilding its internal and external marketing principles. Hence, by using the six strategies, it can be able to redesign the product range to satisfy the target market needs (Bose, 2012). Sustain the brand For the organization to revitalize its brand, it has to periodically monitor and change its pricing strategy from a competitive one to a market penetration pricing. New pricing can neutralize the competitors impact on sales. The measures to use may include but not restricted to, lower pricing, targeted customer offers and better range of the brands (Beneke, et al. 2012). The pricing strategy adopted by a company determines its profit and survival, and the adjustments impact the overall marketing strategy used by the firm. Therefore, they can give a discount on prices and promotion offers that can help in attracting more customers. Customers claim that Woolworths sets high prices which are not proportional to the quality. (WHL Integrated Report, 2016). Providing high-quality products can be a strategy that can change the minds of customers and be convinced that the brand is still healthy and wholesome. It is also paramount to place value on Woolworths privately labeled products to che rish the core shoppers. Hence, customers can have a new brand experience through unique brand attributes. However, it needs to expand its business by developing new stores and provide regular refurbishments of the existing ones in places where there is potential for growth. As a result, the demand for its products can increase which can lead to revitalization and sustainability of the brand. The use of the drive-thru collection techniques and new Click and Collect location facilitates convenience and customer loyalty through multi-channel customer experiences (Ferguson and Brown, 2012, pp.391-404). Grow the brands market share It is paramount to persuade and convince the customers that the brand is still of high quality and the management ensured that they addressed and rectified the issues regarding the quality of products offered by the company (Ghodeswar, 2008, pp.4-12). Revising of the pricing strategy leads to targeting a significant market share of the brand in South Africa and worldwide and survival afterward. For it to achieve growth of the brand, there is need to integrate both the traditional and emerging marketing communication channels that can lead to a successful conveyance of the message regarding the brand and its new features. The promotional tools may include social media, online and public relations to gain back customer trust and greater market share. (Kanagal, 2014). There is need to analyze the products life cycle and current positioning of Woolworths before embarking on the promotion strategies to use to revitalize, sustain and grow the market share of Woolworths. The marketing team should perform a thorough research on the people that is the target market and their demands. The company employees play a significant role in ensuring delivery of quality services especially the customer service personnel that always receives and responds to customers claims and feedbacks (Hollebeek, 2011, pp.555-573). Action plan Objectives Activities Evaluation criteria Control metrics Costs Brand awareness Contacting website owners of various industries to ask them place the Woolworths Ads on their webs. Creation of the emotional grabbing advertisement to enhance promotion of the brand. Displaying prominently the products in the store. Measuring the social media exposure. Consumers perception of value. Evaluating the engagement of customers to message regarding a new brand. The brand remains to be relevant and is properly positioned. Consumer feedback through the online polls. Level of customer loyalty and profits earned within a year Approximately $ 500,000 Increasing Sales volume Restructuring the pricing strategies Expansion of the distribution channels. Diversifying the offerings. Over-deliver quality to the prospective and existing customers Establishing clear and effective sales messages. Comparing actual sales to projected sales in the marketing plan. Increase in sales is a positive effect, Managing both variable and fixed costs Revenue earned after every financial year $ 800,000 Enhancing sustainability and growth Strengthening leadership practices in all the roles. Creating high value propositions in the overall strategy Benchmarking and measuring profitability. The rate of the revenue growth A firms reputation to crucial and regular customers. Renewed growth toward operational excellence. Insightful conversations on growth potential $ 10 million Conclusion In summary, Woolworths South Africa is facing challenges concerning the customers perception of the brand and the quality of the products. The marketing positioning is quite pleasing but it is appropriate for this organization to implement the above marketing strategy and action plan for it to achieve the goal and objective of sustaining its competitive advantage in the retail industry nationally and globally. Maximum utilization of its strengths, opportunities and competency can aid in attaining an increase in its market share. It is also important that they neutralize their weakness and threats from the external environment to achieve its goals and objectives. References Anderssen, S. 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